
Individuals and professionals alike are talking about the Sit Strong Systems Dual Purpose Recliners. A news anchor in California took particular interest. Click here for the story.

Click below to see what healthcare professionals are saying about the chairs:

Carilion Clinic | Iredell Memorial | The VA Hospital | The Wounded
Warrior Project


Why Resistance Bands?

Unlike other exercise tools, resistance bands are easy on the joints because the tension remains constant during the entire motion of the exercise, resulting in a better workout. Because the bands are flexible and located in more than one place on the chair, you can provide resistance from any number of directions and work every major muscle group in the body!

Cardiac Rehab or Sports Injuries

The American Sports Medicine Institute states the goal of resistance training to “gradually and progressively overload the musculoskeletal system so it gets stronger.” Athletes experiencing injury and recent heart attack patients need strength training that increases with rehabilitation. The various sets of bands in our chairs can be changed from lightest resistance to the most difficult as healing takes place.

Help Arthritis

Sensible resistance training may be one of the best ways to get relief by building the muscle around the joint without adding unnecessary pressure.

Prevent Diabetes

By increasing metabolism and, therefore, glucose, chances of developing Type II diabetes declines.

Improve Stability

Working out strengthens muscles and also tendons, ligaments and bones. This strength will make joints more stable and make falls less likely.

Stop Cancer

Regular exercise has been linked to the prevention of some cancers, especially colon and breast cancers.

  Using bands

patent pending

Health link exercises