Sit Strong Systems - Fitness in Comfort
Phone 828-324-6144




Why Resistance Bands?

A message from Robert Louis Liljeberg JR., M.D. Board Certified in Sports Medicine

As an orthopaedic surgeon with a sports medicine focus, I am excited by this workout center. The device improves the owner’s quality and longevity of life by enhancing cardiopulmonary function and muscle strength.

This durable chair transforms sedentary activity into an opportunity to inhibit the natural process of muscle wasting or atrophy by allowing all muscle groups to be challenged.

The resistance bands stimulate core muscle groups while protecting the joints against destructive impact loading. Band variability allows low repetition/high resistance training to add muscle bulk or high repetition/low resistance training which promotes definition. The chair also allows variable speed of training which promotes a cardiopulmonary challenge while stimulating muscle growth.

Whether recovering from a surgical procedure or simply enhancing overall health, any room can benefit from the simple, comfortable chair with transforms into a major resistance band training center.

PROUDLY MADE IN AMERICA   |   Patent # 7803094
Sit Strong Systems
2220 Hwy 70 SE, Suite 370
Hickory, NC 28602
828-324-6144 | 828-324-4703 fax